Tips to stay safe this sizzling Summer

Tips to stay safe this sizzling Summer

Right. Summer is definitely here. It hasn’t exactly been subtle about it. What is this – Australia?! While we celebrate these beautiful sunny days and warm evenings, we should also take a minute or two (maybe while you’re re-applying the sunscreen) to ensure you’re following these simple tips to stay safe this Summer.


Hydrate yourself and your pets

Seems like a bit of a no-brainer, but drink plenty of water and travel with a water bottle so you don’t get caught out dehydrated.
Don’t forget that your furry friend is also in need of more hydration on days like these. Feed your pet plenty of water and avoid going on long walks in the middle of the day (dogs only sweat through their tongues, so they overheat more than humans!)

Extra tip: Leave a small bowl of water outside your front door to help hydrate any stray or missing pets, as well as local animals who are struggling to find water.  


To BBQ or not to BBQ?

BBQs are great this time of year, but make sure you’re allowed to use a BBQ before lighting it up. Only yesterday the Chief of London Fire Brigade urged councils to temporarily ban BBQs in London parks in light of multiple grass fires

If you are having a barbie, make sure the BBQ is in good working order and is setup on a flat surface.Keep a bucket or water or soil nearby, just in case. Never leave the BBQ unattended and ensure coals have completely cooled down if you are disposing them in a bin.


Check before you hike

There are multiple fires burning across the UK at this time, even though they may not be making the news. If you’re an avid hiker or plan on going for a long walk in a forest, be sure to check the area is safe and clear of fires before entering. It is always in your best interest to let people know where you are heading and when before your hike. Why not post a comment in your collaborative Safeland group before setting off?


Keep you home secure

Staying cool indoors can be difficult during days like these. So many of us tend to leave our windows open for long periods of time or overnight. You know who else knows we are doing this? Potential burglars. We’ve been seeing many posts in Safeland of attempted break ins during the night, even while a family is sleeping, via windows left open. Shut your windows if they will be unattended. You can also invest in getting a powered fan in particularly hot rooms to help cool down overnight. Installing a simple DIY home alarm and connecting it to Safeland via Connect Homes can add additional peace of mind to stay safe this summer. 


Out late at night?

These warm summer nights invite long nights out with friends and family, which often means we can be wandering back home late in the evening (or early morning). For added peace of mind, remember Safeland has a Personal Safety Alarm. You simply set a timer to cover the duration of your trip home. If for whatever reason you do not cancel the alarm when you reach your destination, an alarm will be created at your location. You can use this to alert the public or your closest friends.

The most important thing is you enjoy this wonderful summer – we just want you to stay safe while you do so.

 – Team Safeland.

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