Get started with neighborhood watch to prevent crime and house fires.
With Safeland you can share information with your neighbors if something has happend, for example if your bicycle get stolen. You can also send out alarm directly to your neighbors if something more urgent is happening – for example if there is a ongoing burglary or a fire. With the map you can quickly see where the incident has happened, and you can easy communicate with the others in your neighborhood watch without having to call each other.
Get started in three minutes
Research shows that neighborhood watch is effective.
Research shows that neighborhood watch is the most effective method to prevent crime and create a safe enviroment in your neighborhood. Neighbors make a big difference to both prevent and stop an ongoing crime, and also reduce the time it takes for the police or other officials to get there. In most cases it’s only the neighbors who can get there fast enough to stop a burglary or an ongoing fire.
The Safeland app is free to use as a private person for neighborhood watch.
You choose if you want to make your post visible for everyone in Safeland or if you want it only to be visible for people in a private group. Public posts can be seen on the map by everyone. All users in Safeland decides what kind of posts they want to receive notifications for in their mobile device. Meaning: you won´t disturb anyone with your post.
Safeland Connect enables you to connect your home alarm to Safeland, which sends out alarm directly to your neighbors in the Safeland app. You can also choose to send the alarm to a alarm center with the service Safeland Connect Plus.
It´s a common misconception that neighbors need to intervene in person when there is an ongoing burglary for neigborhood watch to have effect. That is not the case. An active neighorhood watch with an engaged community does a lot to keep burglars away.
Do you need help or want to leave feedback?
If you have any questions regardning your neighborhood or group in Safeland, please contact your group administrator directly in the app. The app also have a chat function. If you have any questions regardning the app, home alarms or want to leave us feedback you are welcome to contact us at